The Nomadic Listener (2020)

Illustrated sound waves for The Nomadic Listener, a book by Budhaditya Chattopadhyay consisting of a series of texts with corresponding field recordings portraying the artist’s nomadic experiences in different urban soundscapes .

The illustrations were created using ink on paper and digital art.

Autumns Cleaning - The Silent Leaders (2020)

The sectarian parties are the physical manifestations of the Lebanese civil war and social disconnectedness and the source of all our woes. Time for an overhaul, to dust up our flag and country and remember our roots as a united people, revolting, dancing, and building a country together in the watchful shade of our Cedar.

Connecting Resonances I (2019)
Sound, listening & sonic practices across sites, borders & cultures - in collaboration with Irtijal

Participated in a week long sound workshop that resulted in the creation of a sound art performance with students from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, with guidance from Brandon Labelle and Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, performed in Zoukak Studio Theater.

Event poster designed by me

Live sketch under the dome

Affective Atmospheres (2018)
Site specific sound, neighborhood music and social formation - in association with Irtijal

Co-created a sound art piece using PureData to manipulate and perform Beirut’s soundscape, performed at Beirut Art Center.

Cover art for the performance designed by me
The Blehs (2018-Ongoing)

The Blehs are amorphous creatures leading a perpetually misfortunate existence, in a world where happiness is fleeting and misery is right around the corner. I made this dark humor comic as a cathartic endeavour to take a satirical look at my failings and misgivings, as well as society’s in general.

Sugar, spice and everything not nice

Sugar, spice, and everything not nice


All Happiness is Bait

Happy Blehday

The Bleh Hallway of Enchanted Mirrors

Build Your Own Bleh

Build your own bleh


The Fire Will Consume Your Soul (2019-2020)

Storyboard and concept art  for “The Fire Will Consume Your Soul", an animated short film written and directed by Mario Hawat
Selected by Beirut Animated film festival to be part of the Animation du Monde initiative organized by MIFA and the ANNECY animated film festival.

Chromatic Turmoil (2020)
Acrylic on canvas

Chromatic Turmoil I

Chromatic Turmoil II

Chromatic Turmoil III

I Won’t Waste You (2020)
Acrylic on cardboard

Get Me Out (2019)
Gouache on Cardboard

